- Home
- About Us
- Abide in Christ, Don't Fight it
- Find Your Mountain
- But if not...
- Christ our Righteousness
- How does it work
- What keeps you on the bench
- The Faith of Jesus
- Staying on Track
- Promise, Prayer, Power
- Not a thing You can do
- Do this in remembrance of Me
- 62 Years of Blessings... Gone - Dan Augsburger
- I will enter in to His courts with Praise
- Holding out or Pouring out
- Ordained to Serve
- God’s Word Guides Us - Alex Gordon
- Stones in the Temple
- Prayer
- Following Jesus in the Sactuary
- Perspective
- The Sanctity of the Sabbath - Jonathan Venable
- God is Faithful
- Preparation For The Kingdom
- Full Assurance
- Like Jesus-Surrender and overcome - Dan Augsburger
- Like Jesus-Following - Dan Augsburger
- I am the Vine
- Unlock Revelation
- How Many Times
- Christ Is You The Hope Of Glory
- Requirements
- Baptisim
- John the Baptist
- Legalist
- Kindle a Flame in My Heart
- Take Heed - Alex Jimenez
- The God of Second Chances - Elder Mung
- Faith?
- Acts - Yvonne Kroehler
- Relationship
- In His Presence
- The Fruit of the Spirit
- One - Pastor Tello
- A Joyful Noise to the Lord!
- The Wisdom of God
- Heart's Soil
- Here HE Comes, Ready or Not - Brian Norton
- The Greatest Story - Brian Norton
- But it's Impossible
- Teach, Preach, and Baptize
- Prayer and Perfect Unity - Dan Augsburger
- Wife or Bride?
- Forgiveness
- Taking The Kingdom
- God is Able - Kojo Twumasi
- The Carry - Brian Norton
- Give me Jesus and the Bible
- Checkmate - Brian Norton
- Living in Times of Judgment - Dan Augsburger
- Starting a New Life
- All things new
- The Greatest Gift of All, "Emmanuel" - Elder Mung
- Substitution: A Great Gift
- The Pearl of Great Price
- I Sight or Eye Sight - Brian Norton
- How Far Would You Go - Elder Mung
- Cleansed and Waiting for Jesus
- Let’s Talk Religion
- You’re Invited to the Banquet
- You shall be with me in paradise
- Unto... - Brian Norton
- Don't Worry
- Loyalty
- The Chosen
- One Thing Thou Lackest - Howard Tello
- Faithful To The End
- Where Do You Find Youself - Elder Mung
- What Do You Have in Your Hand - Brian Norton
- True Love
- He is alive
- You are not Damaged Goods - Elder Mung
- Joseph - Bill Bishop
- Confident Stand - Alex Gordon
- Jesus is all you need - Elder Mung
- Miracles
- Lord Save me
- Revelation Unlocked
- Praise and Testimony
- At The Cross
- Knock
- He's Able
- The Flood
- Important Connection
- Word Of Mouth
- The Hardest Thing After The Fall
- A God With A Face - George Boundey
- Worship The King
- Daddy God
- The Future
- Thanksfullness
- Discipleship Revisited
- A Faithful Servant - Elder Mung
- Church Unity and Growth
- Washed by the blood, and removing bad images. - Elder Mung
- The Recipe For Blessing - Elder Mung
- In Remembrance Of Me
- The Sanctuary
- How shall I keep the Sabbath
- Not I, but Christ - Maureen Hamblin
- God's vision, our Mission - Beth Boundey
- The Lord's Prayer, Pt. 3
- Treasure of VBS
- One way
- Title unknown
- Sound the Battle Cry
- Conquerors Courage
- Bread of life
- Tramsformed - Alex Gordon
- The Blood
- His Victory is ours
- Title unknown - 03-21-2015
- Faith, whats that about ?
- Tree of Life
- Heavenly Communication: Do You hear his voice? - Yvonne Kroehler
- Save the Children
- Jesus - His Love, Power, and Mission.
- Watchfulness
- Cataylst
- 10 things God can't do.
- A real happy new year
- Life - Moise Ratsara
- How do you know what you know . . . You know?
- Trusting in God - Stephen Venable
- Count it all Joy
- Stewardship
- Active Trust
- Title unknown - 10/18/2014
- The Faith Of The Un Weary
- God's love
- Your assessment is showing - Ruth Maquilon
- What are you Watching
- Title unknown - 08-30-2014
- The Fear of the world or the fear of the Lord.
- The One & Only Unity
- We are going home - Moise Ratsara
- Title unknown - 07-12-2014 - Moise Ratsara
- More to come . . . . - Paul Ratsara
- Regaining the passion of the Cross - Moise Ratsara
- Title unknown - 5-3-2014
- Title unknown - 12-28-2013 - Moise Ratsara
- Title unknown - 05-10-2008 - Bob Rogers
- Title unknown - 03-31-2007 - Byron Hudson
- Title unknown - 12-16-06 - Bob Rogers
- Title unknown - 05-14-2005 - Byron Hudson
- Jesus is Coming Again
- For God's Country
- The Team Concept
- Save the Children--Baptism
- A Way of Escape
- He Still Answers Prayer
- Are You Weak
- Finishing His Work
- Keeping the Faith
- Put God First
- Don't be Weary, Just Believe
- What did the Cross change?-Jonathan Venable
- Jesus Saves
- Victory over Temptation
- Soundtrack - Wilson Sianipar
- Friendship
- Thy Kingdom Come
- The Great Commandment
- But a Speck
- What's On Your Mind
- I Will Do It Anyway
- Follow Me
- Take the Name of Jesus
- A New Beginning- A Fresh Start
- Do You Believe
- In the Name of Love
- Bread from Heaven
- Mountain Climbing
- God-Assured
- What Must I Do to be Saved
- Truth
- An Encounter with God Changes Life
- Preaching the Gospel in the Present
- The Ministry of Suffering
- The Human Brain
- The Everlasting Gospel
- Separation
- The Three-fold Work
- The Everlasting Gospel Part II
- Baptized with the Holy Ghost-Jerry's Baptism
- A State of Mind - Joel Nephew
- The Necessity of Doing God's Will
- Victory in Jesus
- He Promised
- Two Foundations
- A House Divided
- Living Water
- Train Up a Child
- The Everlasting Gospel Part III
- Everlasting Life
- Heartache or Heartburn?
- The Everlasting Gospel
- Jesus Wants Workers
- A Vital Connection
- Jesus Retraces the History of Israel
- Christ Our Righteous
- Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
- Why Do You Run
- Wonderful Words
- Noah and Living in Times of Judgement - Dan Augsburger
- Love and Obey Jesus
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 2
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 3
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 4
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 5
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 6
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 7
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 8
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 9
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 10
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 11
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 12
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 13
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 14
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 15
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 16
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 17
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 18
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 19
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 20
- Your Faith Has Made You Whole
- There shall arise false christs, and false prophets
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 21
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 22
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 23
- Be Thankful
- Elohim - Moise Ratsara
- The Fullness of Time
- The Greatest Gift
- Missions - Cambodia
- God Essential Oil
- We Can Trust Jesus
- The Blame Game
- Feb. 1, 2020
- Courage
- Infinite Rectitude
- God's Kingdom First
- Separation
- The Human Mind
- My help Comes from the Lord
- Peace in the Storm
- Wait on the Lord
- Last Days
- A Home with God
- Christ and Him Crucified
- The Bigger Picture
- Good News
- God Speaks
- What Does It Mean To Fear God? Part 1
- God's Forgiveness
- What Does it Mean to Fear God? - Part 2
- What Does it Mean to Fear God? - Part 2
- Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
- Creation and the Sabbath
- What is Essential
- Jesus Saves
- Whose Horn is Blowing
- The Powerful Word of God
- What Does it Mean to Fear God - Part 3
- Why Bible Study?
- Give Thanks Unto the Lord
- Thanksgiving Sermon
- Deceit
- Faith Makes a Difference
- The Time of Jesus's Second Coming
- The Time of Jesus's Second Coming
- Unto Us a Child is Born
- The Revelation of Jesus
- The Fulness of Time
- Meditation on Psalm 91
- The Unlimited Power God
- Prayer and Praise
- The Promise of God
- The Promise of Light
- God's Secret Resources
- Prepare for the Coming of the Lord
- Watchfulness
- How to Glorify God, Pt. 1
- Justification by Faith and the Righteousness of Jesus
- Schemes and Schemers
- The Marvelous Works of God
- Rejoicing in Every Good Thing
- How to Glorify God, Pt. 2
- How to Glorify God Pt. 3
- Blessing, Honor, Glory and Power
- Blessing, Honor, Glory and Power
- Psalm and Song
- The Family of God
- I am His Own
- Another Kind of Witness
- A Man After God's Own Heart
- When God Asks the Impossible
- The Healing Power Of Love
- Here Today Gone Tomorrow
- Bible Prophecy
- Did God Create or Use Evolution
- Living Water
- The Hour of God's Judgement
- The Hour of God's Judgement
- The Hour of God's Judgement
- What Did You Expect
- Brotherly Love
- Where are the Children?
- Watch and Pray
- Science and the Bible
- The Hour of His Judgment Part 2
- Give Thanks
- God in Thought and Prayer
- The Hour of His Judgement, Pt. 3
- Christmas Program Pt. 1
- Christmas Program Pt. 2
- Where Does Your Anchor Rest?
- Never Alone
- The Foundation of True Worship
- Watch and Pray
- Reverence and the Temple
- The Foundation of True Worship Pt. 2
- Let Jesus Give Us His Character
- If Only There was a Warning
- Before Abraham
- Wars and Rumors of War
- The Foundation of True Worship, Pt. 3
- Under?....With ALL My Heart
- Lets Go Fishing
- Proclaiming God's Character -Kam Ferguson - Strong Tower Radio
- Strong Tower Radio Afternoon Rally
- The Foundation of True Worship, Pt. 4
- Decisions
- Faithfulness
- Mother's Day Program
- What is Babylon? Pt. 1
- Quality or Quantity
- Jesus Christ the Great Physician
- What is Babylon? Pt. 2
- Distractions - Ashley Reddy
- Study , Pray, and Teach
- What is Babylon?, Part 3
- The Pearl of Great Price
- Thy Kingdom Come
- As They Went
- Babylon's Abominable Wine
- The Ministry of Healing
- Assurance
- Scoffers
- Prophecy's Final Judgement Hour
- Psalm 91
- Called to be Watchmen
- Is Dis Whatcha Wont - Elder Carr
- Babylon's Abominable Wine, Pt. 1
- Praise Him! Praise Him!
- God's Marvelous Good News
- Justified By Faith
- No Place Like Home. The Protigal Son
- Sanctification by Faith
- Babylon's Adominable Wine, Part3
- Self-Control
- How Can I Give You Up
- The Birth of Jesus
- Consumed in the Fire but not Afraid
- No More Curse
- Children Of the Heavenly Father
- Even so, Come Lord Jesus
- Adoption into the Family of God
- Communication
- Psalm 19
- Even So Come Lord Jesus, Pt. 2
- Even So, Come Lord Jesus Part 3
- Across the Chasm
- Even So Come Lord Jesus, Pt. 4
- Babylon's Abominable Wine, Pt. 4
- Perfect and Complete in All the Will of God
- Perfect Plan
- Following Jesus
- Babylon's Filthy Fornication, Part 1
- What are You looking at
- You Are My Witness
- With Jesus in the Family, Happy , Happy Home
- The Will of God
- Father's Business
- Joseph's heart of total forgiveness
- Babylon's Filthy Fornication, Part 2
- Troubles and Hopes
- When God Reveals His Arm
- Jesus on the Anti Christ
- Babylon's Filthy Fornication Part 3
- Development of the Sanctuary
- White Robes
- Sharing Jesus
- The Bible, Jesus, and Salvation
- Personal Ministry
- The 0-th Commandment
- Coming Soon
- Faith in the Word of God
- Babylons Filthy Fornication Part 4
- God is Good, Merciful, and Just
- I Release You
- Fear Not
- Lift Him Up
- The Lost Coin
- Are You Drowning?
- Precious Promises
- The Last Days
- Revelations Sea Beast - Part 1
- Hebrews 12 and13
- Pursuing God's Way to Victory
- Gabriel - Bearer of Glad Tidings
- Jesus Saves From the Penalty and Power of Sin
- Christmas program
- Mary: According to Thy Word
- A Tree....Fruitful or not Fruitful
- Jesus in Us
- The Wine Of God's Wrath
- Preparing for Battles
- The Wine Of God's Wrath, part 2
- Historical People in the Old Testament
- Set Apart
- A Man After God's Own Heart
- The Meaning of Forgiveness
- The Patience Of The Saints Pt.1
- Light & Darkness - Cody Francis
- Are You a Spectator or a Fan?
- Revival
- The Patience of the Saints, Part 2
- A Merry Heart Does Good Like A Medicine
- Perpetual Prayer
- Living Water
- The Patience of the Saints, Part 3
- Who is My Mother?
- Praying BIG!
- The Commandments Of God, Part 1
- Prayer Basics
- Washed and Renewed
- Praise Him
- Trust in The Lord
- Fishers of Men
- Behold, I come Quickly!
- Creation
- ABC's of Salvation
- Preparation for Prayer - 1 John 1:9er
- Allow the Children to Come to Jesus
- Cry Out
- The Commandments Of God Part 2
- Praying Big
- Save the Children, Part 2
- Amazing Grace
- Christ First, Last, and Always - Dr. Robert Choi
- Who is the Holy Spirit
- The Commandments Of God, Part 3
- Pray! Pray! Pray!
- The Faith Of Jesus, Part 1
- Do You Know Him?
- The Baptism of Jesus
- New Beginnings
- We Have Seen His Star
- RADical Disciples for 2025!
- My People
- The Faith of Jesus, Pt. 2
- Change: Is it Time?
- Angels Watching Over Me
- The Goodness of God
- Redeeming the Time
Jesus on Prophecy
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 2
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 3
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 4
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 5
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 6
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 7
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 8
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 9
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 10
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 11
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 12
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 13
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 14
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 15
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 16
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 17
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 18
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 19
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 20
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 21
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 22
- Jesus on Prophecy Night 23
- Thy Kingdom Come
- Trust in The Lord
Jesus on Prophecy
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